ermm... entry 4 t0day is ab0ut having l0ads 0f things in mind.
since i will b having my pediatric & geriatric exam next m0nday
and still havent fully prepared
it is much m0re c0mplicated with rite n0w being bz with PBL rep0rt & presentation
and still n0 pr0gress in answering past years questi0ns..
seni0rs said that diz is a very t0ugh system which many 0f them hv failed..
plis i d0 not want t0 fail.
i mean wh0 wanted t0 b failed and repeat the system rite?
well, since all 0f the imp0rtant things is just ar0und the c0rner and i hv t0 start t0 manage the stresses i'm having n0w b4 it bec0mes m0re chr0nic and leads t0 depressi0n..

h0w d0 u rec0gnized if urself having stress?

well hv u identified y0urs??
there are several kinds tips which can help u manage ur stress level.
1. Adequate sleep
This is my first choice 0f s0 called therapy when i'm stressed. After wake up i will feel refreshed and can start doing works again.

2. Exercise
This is important as when we actually exercise for even 30minutes per day by walking is very helping in reducing stress level. All we need is fresh air. and y not we hv a walk everyday! :D

3. Regular Diet
We are what we eat! So arrange ur meal starting t0day fellas!

4. Music
I love listening to music, it makes me stressed-free.

5. Holiday
Pack up ur things and hv a holiday. it really helpful!

6. Social Relationship
Interact with others and hv chit chatting about loads of things. U will feel less stress bc0z u hv pe0ple t0 share things.

7. Hobby
Hobbies makes 0ur distracti0n t0 the things that stressed us g0 away.

8. Pray
This calms d0wn 0urselves whenever we gets cl0se t0 0ur creat0r.
This is the main thing sh0uld b d0ne as Muslims. but i bet all 0ther religi0ns als0 the same. :)

i h0pe this inf0 w0uld b beneficial 4 th0se 0ut there
bc0z as 4 me th0se tips are very helpful in managing my stress level.
we d0 n0t want t0 end like this rite??

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thanks f0r leaving y0ur c0mment here~ (^^,)