salam readers!
well, officially i hv just finished my 5th semester yesterday
please d0n't ask ab0ut the exam
haha.. s0 far ok lah, just wait n see the result k.
we hv 2weeks h0liday bef0re next semester begins
everybody g0 back h0me in Malaysia
while i'm here in Makassar trying t0 kill time f0r this 2 weeks.
luckily there r s0me 0thers n0t going back t0 Malaysia als0 la.
s0 we can plan 0ur time t0 go jalan2 of coz.
hehe.. f0r those people wh0 read this, wanna kn0w what, this is my very first time n0t to going back h0me during holiday.
my father wanted t0 spons0r the flight ticket but its expensive plus there's lot things t0 do f0r this 2weeks.
almaklum la, i just left 1semester bef0re entering the clinical years.
s0 hv to be prepared fr0m now on.
well.. lets st0p with the cel0teh2..
we start with h0w i planning t0 kill my time t0day..
well there w0uld be a series 0f "h0w t0 kill y0ur time during the h0liday" as i hv 2weeks rite.
Day 1-Saturday 22.01.2011
1. F0r the very beginning 0f my h0liday i am n0w organizing all my stuffs int0 a pr0per b0xes n so whatever, n sweeping the fl0or..

2. D0ing s0me laundries

3. Cleaning my r0om

This is the r00m bef0re cleaning begins

this is the target: a very clean n tidy r0om.. hehe.
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thanks f0r leaving y0ur c0mment here~ (^^,)