lame dh tak update pasal ceritera cinta Faddanies nih kn..
i've been very bz lately
tp takpe, skang aku akan update part 3.. hehe.
ok, last part kite stop kt mane ek..
erm, pasal yg aku g klas ke klas n lastly stop by kt klas dia kn..
ok itu br kenal2 cmtu.. next year lak ntah kebetulan ke jodoh la kn..
aku kembali ke kelab sains n maths..
then surprise2.. there he is. in a same club again..
fuuhhh.. dlm hati aku bkata: "aisehhh mamat nih, same lg. haiyyaa.."
mase tuh aku rase segan gile k0t plus a bit suke sbb ye la kn.. sape tak suke lau org yg kite admire same kelab lg.. kebetulan lak thn tuh aku jd pengerusi kelab.. huuu..
lg la bergiat cergas.. ehhh, jap2.. aku ade lupe satu part..
aku pn tak sure sgt la part nih mase jamuan kelab komputer ke ape kn.
time tuh aku igt lg, aku curi2 amek gmbo dia dgn hp aku yg tak seberape.. haha..
tp esk2nye delete trus sbb rase bersalah lak amek gmbo org curi2.. hahaha. *kant0i*
mase kt jamuan tuh, DD nih duk bkepit je dgn abg Z, kwn dia a.k.a senior aku la kn..
abg Z tegur aku: "chantek hp nisa. hp baru ke?"
aku: "haah.. dpt hadiah dr mama smpena pmr bagus"
pastu la kn.. tibe2 DD tah dr mane first time la dia tegur aku..
dia pn sibuk nk sakat2 aku.. dok kate hp mahal la ade camera la.. haha.. ape2 la kn.
ermm.. mase aku snap gmbo dia aku igt lg time jamuan tuh dia pakai baju tshirt putih ngan cap itam.. seluar aku tak igt la plak. hoho..
ok, berbalik pd thn 2005.. thn tuh sgt byk konflik antara kami..
pahit, manis, masam, masin, tawar sume ade..
hehe.. n start dgn aktiviti kelab math tuh la ktorg mula rapat..
unit beruniform pn same gak PBSM..
hehe... what a c0incidence kn?
ade satu hari nih, aku jd wakil sekolah utk pertandingan pantun ngan BFF aku.. time tuh ade lak kebetulan adik si DD nih pn wakil gak..
so pendek kate, ktorng nih stu team la..
at first aku tak tau dia tuh adik DD, N
cikgu pantun ktorg nih rapat dgn N sbb makcik dia kwn dgn cikgu pantun ktorg. hehe..
so, aku tak igt sgt cmne aku tau yg N nih adalah adik DD,
tp yg aku igt BFF yg kate la dia nih adik DD..
ape lg.. lg malu la aku kn sbb dh la satu kelab ngan abg..
satu team pantun dgn si adik plak..
ad0ii.. pastu dh makin lame makin kenal.
dgn support dr besties aku ntah camne aku bleh plak ckp ngan adik DD yg aku nk n0 hp si DD nih.
haha.. i kn0w, i am damn brave rite. hehe.
seumur hidup aku tak penah nk mintak2 n0 dak laki. *ceh, poy0 je*
tp seyes weh, aku tak penah mintak no laki yg aku tak brape kenal.
lau member klas tuh lain cite la kan.. huhu.
0k, time aku mintak tuh adik dia kate dia kene tanye abg dia dulu.
s0 aku bg n0 aku kt dia suruh pass kt abg dia.
*malu* tp nk wat cmne, nk berkenalan kene la berani mati.
s0 aku tggu punye tggu la kn beberapa hari. menunggu dgn penuh sabar. hehe.
time tuh aku nih menggatal sket, sblm aku dok nk kenal2 DD nih aku dh pn ade abg angkt, cina la kn.
aku minat ngan abg angkat aku sbnrnye smpi ade stu tahap tuh aku k0nfius nk pilih abg angkt aku 0r DD.
tp tuh cite akn dtg la ye. cmne aku bleh dr taste chinese ke tase melayu. hehe.
ermm.. smpi mane td ek, haa.. kn aku d0k tggu je kan.
mane la dia nih tak ade balasan pn.
igtkn tak nk kwn. haha. pastu then 0ne day nih aku tgh main r0llerblade ngan adik aku.
kt0rg jln2 smpi kt ade stu tmpt jalan awam nih yg mmg slalu nmpk dia (name pn jalan awam, mesti la dia ade lalu kan) haha. ok pastu time tuh aku tak tau ape yg trigger aku, but my sympathetic nerv0us system is triggered though, aku dgn tak semena nye jerit dr tepi jalan tuh..
"abg F nk n0 tep0n!!"
haiyya.. pastu, ops. alamak, ape aku wat nih kn. malu gile nk mati.
but guess what, mlm tuh dia k0l. hehe.. ape lagi. hepi la k0t.
rupe2nye katenye takde credit. haha.
*ceh, patut la tak contact2, igt kn tak sudi nk berkawan*
hehe.. nk tau cite selanjutnye.. tggu akan dtg ye. :D

teheee.. halu halu~
s0ng f0r t0day:
"I Lay My Love on You-Westlife"
Just a smile and the rain is gone
Can hardly believe it (yeah)
There's an angel standing next to me
Reaching for my heart
Just a smile and there's no way back
Can hardly believe it (yeah)
But there's an angel, she's calling me
Reaching for my heart
I know, that I'll be ok now
This time it's real
I lay my love on you
It's all I wanna do
Everytime I breathe I feel brand new
You open up my heart
Show me all your love, and walk right through
As I lay my love on you
I was lost in a lonely place
Could hardly even believe it (yeah)
Holding on to yesterdays
Far, far too long
Now I believe its ok cause this time it's real
I lay my love on you
It's all I wanna do
Everytime I breathe I feel brand new
You open up my heart
Show me all your love, and walk right through
As I lay my love on you
I never knew that love could feel so good
Like once in a lifetime
You change my world
I lay my love on you
You make me feel brand new
Show me all your love, and walk right through
As I lay my love on you
I lay my love on you
It's all I wanna do
Everytime I breathe I feel brand new
You open up my heart
Show me all your love, and walk right through
As I lay my love on you
I lay my love on you
You make me feel brand new
You open up my heart
Show me all your love, and walk right through
As I lay my love on you
As I lay my love on you
Can hardly believe it (yeah)
There's an angel standing next to me
Reaching for my heart
Just a smile and there's no way back
Can hardly believe it (yeah)
But there's an angel, she's calling me
Reaching for my heart
I know, that I'll be ok now
This time it's real
I lay my love on you
It's all I wanna do
Everytime I breathe I feel brand new
You open up my heart
Show me all your love, and walk right through
As I lay my love on you
I was lost in a lonely place
Could hardly even believe it (yeah)
Holding on to yesterdays
Far, far too long
Now I believe its ok cause this time it's real
I lay my love on you
It's all I wanna do
Everytime I breathe I feel brand new
You open up my heart
Show me all your love, and walk right through
As I lay my love on you
I never knew that love could feel so good
Like once in a lifetime
You change my world
I lay my love on you
You make me feel brand new
Show me all your love, and walk right through
As I lay my love on you
I lay my love on you
It's all I wanna do
Everytime I breathe I feel brand new
You open up my heart
Show me all your love, and walk right through
As I lay my love on you
I lay my love on you
You make me feel brand new
You open up my heart
Show me all your love, and walk right through
As I lay my love on you
As I lay my love on you