Sunday, October 30, 2011

0ne d0wn, 0ne m0re t0 g0.. yeah!!

alhamdulillah.. after been 4 weeks 0f c0ass in psychiatry department, it is n0w ended 0fficially. there are s0 much experience as a newbie. huhu. 
eventh0ugh i g0t B f0r this first department, h0nestly at first i feel sad but alhamdulillah i've passed rite! :)
i had a l0t of new friends n new experiences. 
2nd day in psychiatry i already d0ne nas0gastric tube inserti0n by myself with the help 0f d0ct0r standing by my side t0 assist. hihi. i d0ne it fr0m A t0 Z n i g0t it in right!. hihi. what an enj0yable experience. usually we're 0nly d0ne this thing t0 mannequin but n0w we can at last practice it t0 real pe0ple.  
in clinics i see all kinds 0f psychiatric pe0ple. schiz0phrenic, n0n-organic psich0tic dis0rder, anxiety, panic attack etc. n what treatments usually given. its fun.
a day b4 the exam i started t0 search f0r suitable patient f0r my exam (have t0 d0 anamnesis in fr0nt 0f the d0ct0r) 
all day l0ng i find the suitable 0ne and in the evening at last i g0t one. 
a schiz0phrenia paran0id (F20.0) patient. 
but i c0ntinue searching f0r 0ther patient in case there any pr0b happens 0n the day 0f the exam but i search n search till i spend the night at the h0spital just t0 find m0re patient but still there was n0 one suitable. 
then i started t0 write the patient status at midnight n i slept at 4am. 
i w0ke up at 5.30am n start studying again. 
but all the things i've studied b4 its g0ne with the wind.  
b4 the exam i came t0 take my patient f0r exam but she w0uldn't c0me 0ut. 
i feel much m0re stressed. after a l0ng time 0f persuading my patient then at last she came 0ut. 
i'm s0 stressed n it cause me n0t t0 answer well in exam. 
haha. blank. i see n0thing. i think n0thing. n i feel n0thing.
i g0t my result 0n the same day n i cried all day l0ng.
tu la kau.. lain kali nk exam supp0ssedly tid0 awal.
hihi.. fellas, i make this as less0n learnt. d0n't stressed 0ut bc0z we'll get m0re tense n n0t being able t0 perf0rm better. 
i kn0w i can d0 much better than that.
t0morr0w i'll enter 2nd department. 
3 weeks 0f Radi0logy department.. :)
wish me luck k.
bye bye psychiatry n welc0me radi0logy!
13 c0ass2 yg hampir2 nk j0in RS Dadi sbagai penghuni. hehe..
tata titi tutu..

Sunday, October 2, 2011

alamak, c0ass la weh!!

jd dengan ini sy mengisytiharkan bahawa zaman nk main2 dh tamat.
ye, ended already bc0z starting diz m0nday 3rd October 2011, i'm g0nna start my clinical internship. n the very lucky first department t0 have me is...
jeng jeng jeng...
ngekkk.. i started t0 feel go0sebumps all over my body.
h0w is it g0nna look like, this department. 
i'm all al0ne f0r the first department.
truly, i am scared!
tp nk wat cmne kn.. still.. life must g0 on.. ecece..
f0r ur inf0rmati0n, this psychiatry department is held 0n f0r 4 weeks.
s0 after i started my c0ass life i will be very very very busy 0keh!
until then i dunn0 when i'll update my bl0g again. 
s0on, i'll update what is my experience in this first department 0f mine. tehee.. 
ape2 pn, enj0y! 
tata titi tutu~
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