hi again fellas, after ab0ut that last entry here i am again p0sting a new entry..
haha. of c0urse la kan.
well according t0 my entry title itself u guys must hv been w0ndering what is it i'm talking ab0ut rite.
hehe.. i am truly, deeply happy because t0day is the day KKN ends.
n0w i w0uld b able t0 g0 back home.
but the sad part is we're g0ing t0 live each 0ther's life just as bef0re we went t0 KKN.
sad 0f leaving the pe0ple 0f Desa Tellulimp0e
but what can we d0 rite..
there's a malay saying that "setiap pertemuan pasti ada perpisahan"
what we can bring al0ng is the experience and the friendship that we gained since the first day 0f KKN.
yup, t0day is the appr0ximately 2 m0nths 0f KKN in Desa Tellulimpoe.
t0 be truth, there is a l0t 0f happiness and sadness al0ng this 2 m0nths.
and i will bring all these mem0ries with me, all the laughter and all the tears..
it is a very awes0me experiences i had here with my p0sko mates.
i wish we all have a successful life ahead
last but n0t least thanks a l0t t0 my p0sko mates and pe0ple 0f Desa Tellulimp0e 4 all these experiences.
"Don't walk in front of me, I might not follow. Don't walk behind me, I might not lead. Walk beside me and be my friend."
