Sunday, October 30, 2011

0ne d0wn, 0ne m0re t0 g0.. yeah!!

alhamdulillah.. after been 4 weeks 0f c0ass in psychiatry department, it is n0w ended 0fficially. there are s0 much experience as a newbie. huhu. 
eventh0ugh i g0t B f0r this first department, h0nestly at first i feel sad but alhamdulillah i've passed rite! :)
i had a l0t of new friends n new experiences. 
2nd day in psychiatry i already d0ne nas0gastric tube inserti0n by myself with the help 0f d0ct0r standing by my side t0 assist. hihi. i d0ne it fr0m A t0 Z n i g0t it in right!. hihi. what an enj0yable experience. usually we're 0nly d0ne this thing t0 mannequin but n0w we can at last practice it t0 real pe0ple.  
in clinics i see all kinds 0f psychiatric pe0ple. schiz0phrenic, n0n-organic psich0tic dis0rder, anxiety, panic attack etc. n what treatments usually given. its fun.
a day b4 the exam i started t0 search f0r suitable patient f0r my exam (have t0 d0 anamnesis in fr0nt 0f the d0ct0r) 
all day l0ng i find the suitable 0ne and in the evening at last i g0t one. 
a schiz0phrenia paran0id (F20.0) patient. 
but i c0ntinue searching f0r 0ther patient in case there any pr0b happens 0n the day 0f the exam but i search n search till i spend the night at the h0spital just t0 find m0re patient but still there was n0 one suitable. 
then i started t0 write the patient status at midnight n i slept at 4am. 
i w0ke up at 5.30am n start studying again. 
but all the things i've studied b4 its g0ne with the wind.  
b4 the exam i came t0 take my patient f0r exam but she w0uldn't c0me 0ut. 
i feel much m0re stressed. after a l0ng time 0f persuading my patient then at last she came 0ut. 
i'm s0 stressed n it cause me n0t t0 answer well in exam. 
haha. blank. i see n0thing. i think n0thing. n i feel n0thing.
i g0t my result 0n the same day n i cried all day l0ng.
tu la kau.. lain kali nk exam supp0ssedly tid0 awal.
hihi.. fellas, i make this as less0n learnt. d0n't stressed 0ut bc0z we'll get m0re tense n n0t being able t0 perf0rm better. 
i kn0w i can d0 much better than that.
t0morr0w i'll enter 2nd department. 
3 weeks 0f Radi0logy department.. :)
wish me luck k.
bye bye psychiatry n welc0me radi0logy!
13 c0ass2 yg hampir2 nk j0in RS Dadi sbagai penghuni. hehe..
tata titi tutu..

Sunday, October 2, 2011

alamak, c0ass la weh!!

jd dengan ini sy mengisytiharkan bahawa zaman nk main2 dh tamat.
ye, ended already bc0z starting diz m0nday 3rd October 2011, i'm g0nna start my clinical internship. n the very lucky first department t0 have me is...
jeng jeng jeng...
ngekkk.. i started t0 feel go0sebumps all over my body.
h0w is it g0nna look like, this department. 
i'm all al0ne f0r the first department.
truly, i am scared!
tp nk wat cmne kn.. still.. life must g0 on.. ecece..
f0r ur inf0rmati0n, this psychiatry department is held 0n f0r 4 weeks.
s0 after i started my c0ass life i will be very very very busy 0keh!
until then i dunn0 when i'll update my bl0g again. 
s0on, i'll update what is my experience in this first department 0f mine. tehee.. 
ape2 pn, enj0y! 
tata titi tutu~

Sunday, September 18, 2011

A j0urney 0f being entitled Dokter Muda

it's been a long time since the last update rite..
huhu.. bkn ape, just been kinda busy with my graduati0n day n my parents vacati0n here in makassar 4 the 1st time ever since 3 years i'm studying here.. so yeahh.. kinda  exciting t0 let them see what kind of life i'm having here. huhu.. well.. here come the 1st thing 0f what's been happening this september..

Wednesday, 7th September 2011_Yudisium Fakultas Kedokteran UNHAS

alhamdulillah, after 3 years 0f medical study in Universitas Hasanuddin, ar0und 100 students 0f FKUH 08 were at last b the 1st batch 0f yudisium 2011.. and of course there are 0ther seniors as well. c0ngratulati0ns t0 all 0f us. but then 4 0ther 0ste08last, d0nt b sad bc0z y0ur time will c0me als0.. s0on.. very s0on.. :)
12 students from 1st batch 0f yudisium 2011 international 08
Upper Left: Thiaga, Aliff, Arisman, Tan, Frizt
Lower Left: Jeaneta, Me :), Azila, Idfa, Nisha, Awin, Syasha
Auditorium Prof Dr. A. Amiruddin, FKUH 
Girls :)
Boys :)
Dokter Muda Aniessa (^^,)
Happy Coass Life Amigos!
Thursday, 8th September 2011_ Wisuda Sarjana Kedokteran Fakultas Kedokteran UNHAS

alhamdulillah 0nce again 4 this day has c0me. it's 0ur graduati0n day & we r being grateful t0 God 4 being able t0 achieve until this level. may this day gives us m0re spirit & strength t0 begins 0ur clinical years c0ming ahead & learning t0 bec0me go0d d0ctors, insyaAllah..
Wisuda invitati0n card
up0n arrival 0f guests at Baruga Andi Pangerang Pettarani UNHAS

in the Baruga fr0m the guests' views
fr0m wisudawans' views

i am very glad that i made u pr0ud ayah and mama.. i l0ve u b0th s0 much! with0ut u i'm n0thing. contributi0n t0 my bel0ved father En. Abd Rahman & my beloved m0ther Pn. Malisiah


Saturday, 10th September 2011_ Angkat Sumpah Sarjana Kedokteran Fakultas Kedokteran UNHAS

alhamdulillah once more, it is the event 0f wisudawans' pr0mises 0f being go0d y0ung doctors (dokter muda) & go0d doctors.. this is the last event b4 we can start 0ur clinical years.. with the end 0f this event, we r gladly t0 b called c0ass (c0-assistant 0f d0ctors)..

the invitati0n card 0f c0urse!

ok that's all 4 t0day.. hehe. 
thanks 4 viewing~

Thursday, August 18, 2011

the time has c0me t0 its ends

hi again fellas, after ab0ut that last entry here i am again p0sting a new entry..
haha. of c0urse la kan.
well according t0 my entry title itself u guys must hv been w0ndering what is it i'm talking ab0ut rite.
hehe.. i am truly, deeply happy because t0day is the day KKN ends.
n0w i w0uld b able t0 g0 back home.
but the sad part is we're g0ing t0 live each 0ther's life just as bef0re we went t0 KKN.
sad 0f leaving the pe0ple 0f Desa Tellulimp0e
but what can we d0 rite..
there's a malay saying that "setiap pertemuan pasti ada perpisahan"
what we can bring al0ng is the experience and the friendship that we gained since the first day 0f KKN.
yup, t0day is the appr0ximately 2 m0nths 0f KKN in Desa Tellulimpoe.
t0 be truth, there is a l0t 0f happiness and sadness al0ng this 2 m0nths.
and i will bring all these mem0ries with me, all the laughter and all the tears..
it is a very awes0me experiences i had here with my p0sko mates.
i wish we all have a successful life ahead
last but n0t least thanks a l0t t0 my p0sko mates and pe0ple 0f Desa Tellulimp0e 4 all these experiences.
"Don't walk in front of me, I might not follow. Don't walk behind me, I might not lead. Walk beside me and be my friend."

Thursday, July 28, 2011

hell0 fellas!

hye hye hye fellas..
its been quite a while since my last entry..
bukan ape, been busy with my Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN)..
its already more than 1 month in S0ppeng..
i've gain many experiences there n learnt 0ther pe0ple culture n language.
f0r s0me reas0n i'm happy with KKN.. at first i thought that it w0uld b scary bc0z being al0ne at unkn0wn place with me al0ne Malaysian..
n i've been w0ndering n w0ndering n w0ndering h0w cn i make friends there. but yes here i am n0w. 0ne month passed n yet an0ther 0ne month t0 go n i made a lot 0f friends..
my p0sko mates are very awes0me n nice!
btw i haven't menti0n where 0n earth of s0ppeng i am rite..
well my p0sko is at Desa Tellulimpoe, Kecamatan Mari0riawa..
it takes ab0ut 5-6h0urs j0urney fr0m Makassar t0 my p0sko.
S0ppeng is very well kn0wn with its bats..
yes its true, s0 many bats u can f0und at the t0wn (Soppeng Kota)
but we w0ndered y the bats were 0nly f0und at s0me trees in S0ppeng Kota.
n0 bats lives in rural area.. mayb they like t0wn better rite. hoho.
ther was a believe 0f S0ppeng pe0ple that wh0ever being pee by the bats will get married t0 S0ppengians.. huhu. n yet luckily i didn't peed by th0se bats. hehe.
well, this much f0r t0day's entry.. next time i'll attached s0me ph0tos fr0m da beginning we're in S0ppeng k.
s0 long & farewell amig0s!
see u next time.. hehe.

Monday, May 23, 2011

it's alm0st time

well hi fella's!
t0day is da first day 0f tr0pical medicine system
as usual we keep waiting 4 lecturers t0 come. just like da previous systems
i guess we hv managed ourselves in diz kind 0f situations.
it hv been 3 years n0w.
and diz tr0pical meds is the last system f0r semester 6 0f year 3(preclinical years).
pejam celik pejam celik kejap je dh kn.
it just feels like yesterday i came t0 makassar..
it is indeed feels like i'm still in freshman's year
insyaAllah in 0ne month we'll b ending 0ur preclinical years..
i'm very excited when thinking ab0ut it
but i'm w0rried ab0ut h0w it would b when i enter clinical years.
i'm still lacking much
omo omo.. looks like i hv t0 motivate myself.
d0n't b depressed aniessa!
i kn0w u cn d0 it n u will n0t b effected by 0thers.
keep ur head straight up n see da future~
when there's a will there's a way

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Sunday, May 8, 2011

d0uble the j0y 0n 8 May

as we all know t0day is m0ther's day
and as for me, there are d0uble j0ys i have t0day
2 big 0ccasi0ns happens t0day (8 May)
which is m0ther's day and my 6th anniversary day

yes, hepi m0ther's day t0 my m0m (Malisiah Kadan)
she had always have my back whenever i needed
she cooks whatever i wanted
she sends me t0 school and clothes me while i was a little
she makes me a birthday cake every year
she does all what other mom does but yet she is still the best f0r me and my siblings
everytime she gets angry she would be very fierce.. hihi
we get scolded for wrongs we've made and for being stubborn..
that is da reward 4 being such a naughty child
she taught me h0w t0 manage myself when my first period came
she kn0ws what's best and what's not
there are s0 much things about her that w0uld make me feels great because having such a great and awes0me m0ther
my father is a very lucky man f0r having my m0m stays by his side
she took care all the things f0r us
eventh0ugh she gets tired after c0ming back fr0m w0rk.
but she never fails t0 d0 her j0b as a m0ther
mama, i wish that u w0uld have a l0ng life and blessed by Allah in whatever u d0
we l0ve u mama..
tengs f0r every single thing u've d0ne f0r us
we starts fr0m the w0mb 0f yours and u gv us all u can f0r being able t0 survive until n0w
yet u n0urishes us with l0ve and care
tengs mama! i l0ve u! we l0ve u!
diz song is dedicated f0r u mama!

Your Mother by Yusuf Islam

yup, t0day is 0ur anniversary day
hepi 6th anniversary sayang (Muhammad Faddil bin Ahmad Rebudi)
surprise surprise, we have been t0gether since sch0ol days until n0w
6 years have past, but it is all like a fresh mem0ry of yesterdays
where we first met at scho0l
as seni0r-juni0r
we started as friends as it is me wh0 admires him
i never th0ught that i w0uld ended in a serious relationship with him
but i'm glad that we've met and kn0wn each 0ther f0r a very l0ng time
i pray t0 Allah f0r our relationship t0 be l0ng lasting and h0pefully will never ended
i believe in j0doh
kalau ade jodoh kami insyaAllah ade lah rezeki kami utk eratkan lagi silaturrahim antara 2 keluarga nih..
tengs abg c0z u put ur faith 0n me
u never let me g0 and alwez trying t0 protect diz relationship
with0ut ur patience and wise thinks, we c0uld never get t0 survive diz far..
i l0ve u u with all my heart
and tengs 4 always being there
s0 i dedicated diz s0ng t0 u hubby

I Do by C0lbie Caillat

It's always been about me myself and I
If all relationships were nothing but a waste of time
I never wanted to be anybody's other half
I was happy saying our love wouldn't last
That was the only way I knew till I met you

You make we wanna say
I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo
Yeah, I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo
Cause every time before we spend like
Maybe yes and maybe no
I can live without it, I can let it go
Ooh, I did, I get myself into
You make we wanna say I do, I do, I do, I do, I do, I do,

Tell me is it only me
Do you feel the same?
You know me well enough to know that I'm not playing games
I promise I won't turn around and I won't let you down
You can trust and never felt it like i feel it now
Baby there's nothing, there's nothing we can't get through

So can we say
I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo
Oh baby, I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo
Cause every time before we spend like
Maybe yes and maybe no
I won't live without it, I won't let it go
Wooh Can I get myself into
You make we wanna say

Me a family, how's a family
Ooh, can we be a family?
And when I'm old and sit next to you.

And when we remember when we said
I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo
Oh baby, I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo
Cause every time before we spend like
Maybe yes and maybe no
I won't live without it, I won't let us go
Just look at what we got ourselves into
You make we wanna say I do, I do, I do, I do, I do, I do,
Love you

Friday, May 6, 2011

arghhhh!!!!!! @.@

entry aku arini bkn pasal ape2.
just nk meluahkan perasaan.
ye, mmg aku tension. aku stress.
macam2 masalah. busy tugasan, group task, masalah dgn org, study tak lagi.
mane tak nye.. sejak start community medicine nih keje berlambak. bz je memanjang.
dh siap satu keje tambah lg satu keje.
masalah sekeliling lak yg tak kondusif.
lau aku kate aku tak study lg mmg aku blum study la. tension t0l la.
takkan la aku nk tipu k0t. ape la masalahnye.
susah... susah..
nih dlm mase sminggu lagi nk exam dh. ape pn takde dlm kepala.
minggu lepas bz wat assignment smpi kn quiz pn tak dpt jwb.
minggu nih bz lg g baksos..
isnin ade quiz lagi. cmne la kn.
takkan aku nk tarik diri dr baksos tuh. aku nk la at least b4 masuk coas ade la pengalaman sekali g baksos. hopefully minggu nih aku dpt la menyususn waktu aku dgn sebaik2nye. tak nak aku tak dpt jwb quiz lagi.
heeehhhhh... tak baik mengeluh.
tp nk wat cmne kn.
k la.. tengs pada sape2 yg sudi membaca isi hati dgn pikiran aku yg berserabut nih.
what stays in theis blog stays in this blog je la ek. hohoho.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

w0ii sedar la diri tuh skit

ye sedar kn lah diri ak dan org lain sume
dh tinggal 2 system je lg b4 KKN..
tp kt kuliah tak fokus. d0k main2 je, td0, ngadap tenet time d0sen bg kuliah.
ape nk jadi la.
nisa bile la k0 nk sedar diri nih. dh nk jd dokter muda k0t..
tp habuk pn tarak.
takkan nk masuk clinical t baru nk btungkus lumus kn.. aigoo..
byk bende kene refresh blk.
makin byk kita blaja makin kita rase kurang nye ilmu kita nih.
nk di jadikan cite utk arini la kan
minggu nih dh masuk minggu kedua system kedokteran komunitas (community medicine)
tp ntah nape la ak rase buhsan gile bl0k ni9h. kuliah tak byk..
yg byknye field 0bservati0n ngan survey 0n epidemiology..
tiap2 ari tugasan makin menggunung.
siap satu btambah lg satu.. adede... cmne cmne cmne nih..
td0 tak cukup, study tak efficient..
cmne la nk jwb exam kang.

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